- my art may contain some heavy and triggering topics, especially my non-fandom stuff. these things will be tagged.
- feel free to use my art for profile pictures or whatever, credit would be appreciated though.
- some of the graphics on this site were made by me, like the "go home" button. absolutely feel free to use my junk, just let me know if you do.
- see something on my site that's yours? want credit? want it gone, even? message me!
- you can send art requests through my tumblr askbox, but no guarantees that they'll actually get done (^_^") i always appreciate a good drawing idea, though!
- or just feel free to send asks in general. entertain me fools
da rulez
- no "micha gess wat"
- no horn curvatures
- no tiktok
if any of these rules are broken this will be you: